5 Key Metrics to measure Digital Marketing ROI | Aarna Systems Pvt Ltd


An ever-evolving industry, digital marketing provides a variety of chances for companies to connect with their target market. Combining different digital marketing channels can result in powerful tactics that boost a company’s visibility and produce leads. Companies can expand their consumer base and improve their return on investment (ROI) through the use of the correct combination of digital marketing strategies.

As the top digital marketing company in Pune, we are aware of the importance of a company’s online presence. Sales might soar and brand recognition can rise thanks to it. When it comes to their investment in digital marketing, many business owners, however, are unsure about the return on investment (ROI).

Why Measure Your Digital Marketing Roi?

There are now more than one ways to approach digital marketing. Because of its complexity, you must carefully monitor each of the several channels that make up your entire digital marketing strategies. Understanding which channels are effective and which ones require development in digital marketing requires calculating ROI. You can maximise your return on investment (ROI) by tracking the various channels to get an understanding of what’s effective and where you should put more effort. In general, it’s vital to comprehend the ROI of digital marketing initiatives in order to make wise choices and maximise your money. Determining ROIs is a constant focus at Aarna Systems, the finest provider of digital marketing services in Pune.

5 Metrics to Measure Digital Marketing Roi

1.Conversion Rate (Cr)

Conversion Rate is a key metric for businesses to measure the success of their digital campaigns. It indicates the number of visitors who took action such as purchasing, submitting a form, or signing up for a newsletter. By understanding what drives customers to take action on your website, and ads, you can optimize it to increase conversions and maximize RO

2. Click-through rate (CTR)

A crucial indicator of the effectiveness of internet advertising efforts is click-through rate (CTR). By counting the number of times a link or advertising was clicked, it is used to gauge how effective an email campaign or advertisement was. CTR enables marketers to assess the success of their initiatives and make necessary corrections. Ad copy optimisation, audience targeting, format and image testing, and landing page conversion optimisation are all ways to raise click-through rates (CTR).

3. Cost Per Click (CPC)

A key element in assessing the effectiveness of your campaign is cost per click (CPC). The CPC is the price you pay for each click on your ad, and it depends on a number of variables, including the ad rank, bid, and quality score of your closest rival. You can enhance the effectiveness of your PPC advertisements and increase their ROI by comprehending how these aspects affect CPC.

4. Return on Advertising Spend(ROAS)

Return on Advertising Spend, or ROAS, is a crucial indicator for assessing the effectiveness of marketing initiatives. It shows how much money your company makes from advertising for every dollar invested. Businesses may evaluate the success of their efforts and ascertain whether they are receiving a decent return on investment by studying ROAS. In order to analyse several initiatives and determine which ones are providing the best value for the money, ROAS can be used. Additionally, it aids companies in determining how much money they ought to spend on advertising and what kind of results they may anticipate. You can quickly reach high ROAS with the aid of a professional digital marketing company in Pune with experienced digital marketers!

5. Average order value (AOV) 

Another crucial measure for organisations is average order value (AOV), which enables them to comprehend both the purchasing patterns of their clients and the general health of their enterprise. The average amount of money a consumer spends on each purchase is measured by AOV. It is a crucial sign of how well your price plan and marketing campaigns are working. You may create tactics to improve client loyalty, optimise pricing, and provide discounts to promote sales by being aware of your AOV. Businesses may decide how to raise their Average Order Value and maximise their earnings by having a clear idea of how much money customers are typically spending.

Choose the Best Digital Agency in Pune for Roi Boost

Now that you understand- measuring Digital Marketing ROI can be a game changer for your business, it’s time to act! Choose the Top Digital Marketing Agency in India for creating customized digital campaigns that are tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. Our team of seasoned Digital Marketers will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your campaigns are effective and successful. With our proven track record of success, you can trust us to get you the results you need, and achieve the ROI that you dream of!

Let’s discuss your digital moves today!

How IT Product Development Drives Digital Marketing Innovation | Aarna Systems

In today’s hyper-connected world, Information Technology (IT) and Digital Marketing are intrinsically tied together, driving an ongoing revolution in how businesses make the most of their online presence. The advancements in IT product development are continuously paving the way for exciting innovation in digital marketing strategies, shaping new channels of communication, the role of marketing, and enabling personalized, engaging customer experiences. 

From machine learning algorithms to AI-driven chatbots, the efficacy of digital marketing efforts is enhanced through the innovative applications of IT. As the best Digital Marketing Company in Pune, we are here to unravel the profound impact of IT product development on digital marketing, empowering businesses to optimize their marketing efforts, facilitate user engagement, and ultimately, maximize ROI in the digital marketing landscape. Let’s get started. 

What is IT Product Development?

IT Product Development is a process that entails conceptualizing, designing, developing, testing, and finally launching a software product or a service in the IT industry. It combines technology, methodology, and people to create innovative IT products that meet the needs or solve the problems of end users. 

Why are IT Products important for Digital Marketing?

IT Products have become an essential player in the realm of digital marketing, acting as the central nerve that connects businesses with their target customers. They have evolved to influence customer behaviours, define marketing trends, and create seamless customer experiences.

  • Firstly, IT Products offer unprecedented access to data and analytics. Digital marketing strategies are driven by sound data that technology can measure and analyze. This data-driven approach allows businesses to understand customer behaviour, preferences, and purchase patterns, leading to more targeted marketing efforts and improved customer engagement.
  • Secondly, many IT Products pave the way for digital tools automation. It enables marketers to use digital products to automate repetitive tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and even customer service with AI-powered chatbots, freeing up valuable time for strategic planning.
  • Furthermore, the use of IT products in digital marketing has made personalization a standard expectation among consumers. Technologies such as AI and machine learning can leverage consumer data to create personalized and relevant marketing messages, enhancing customer experience and promoting brand loyalty. 
  • Finally, many IT products have introduced new marketing channels for better audience targeting. From social media platforms to search engines to mobile applications, technology continues to broaden the digital marketers’ canvas. Therefore, it’s evident that technology holds a positive impact on modern digital marketing.

IT Tools & Software That Simplify Digital Marketing

 Here are some examples of cutting-edge IT tools and software used extensively in digital marketing:

  1. Social Media Management Tools: Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social allow digital marketers to schedule posts, analyze performance, manage all social media channels from one place, monitor keywords, and engage with the audience effectively. 
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools: SEO tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz offer critical insights into website performance, keyword rankings, backlink analysis, and competitive research. They help marketers devise effective SEO strategies, boost search engine rankings, and drive organic traffic. We also use such tools at our Digital Marketing Agency in Pune to maximize SEO efforts. 
  3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software: CRM software, for instance, Salesforce and HubSpot, help businesses manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. They assist in improving customer service relationships and retention and driving sales growth.
  4. Email Marketing Tools: Applications like MailChimp and Zoho make email marketing easier. They offer templates, automate email campaigns, segment audiences, and provide insightful reports to measure the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. These tools play a crucial role in maintaining customer engagement and driving conversions.

Tips for Effectively Using IT Products in Digital Marketing

Effectively using IT products can significantly transform and boost your digital marketing initiatives. Here are some tips:

  1. Enhanced Targeting and Segmentation: Leverage data and analytics tools to understand your customer’s behaviour, preferences, and needs. This will enable you to segment your audience effectively and target them with tailored marketing messages. CRM and AI-driven tools can be highly beneficial for segmenting and targeting customers.
  2. Improved Metrics and Data Tracking: Utilize IT products like Google Analytics, SEMRush, and Mixpanel to track your marketing campaign’s performance. These tools offer in-depth insights and a real-time view of your marketing metrics, helping you make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies.
  3. Streamlined Communication and Collaboration: Collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or project management tools like Trello can immensely improve communication and teamwork among your marketing team members, leading to more effective campaign execution.
  4. Customer Engagement and Satisfaction: Engage with customers on a personalized level using email marketing and social media management tools. Using IT in the form of chatbots or AI-enabled messaging can also improve customer service, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Remember, it is essential not just to leverage IT tools but to integrate them seamlessly into your overall digital marketing strategy. Each tool should have a specific purpose that aids in achieving your marketing objectives.

Future Trends of IT Product Development in Digital Marketing

As the best Digital Marketing Services in Pune, we believe that the future trends of IT product development aim to maximize the impact of digital marketing strategies, elevate marketing activity, and drive digital transformation. Here’s what we can anticipate.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning advancements are poised to revolutionize digital marketing. IT product developers are creating smart digital tools that delve deeper into consumer behaviour, streamline marketing automation, and enhance the efficacy of digital communication.

The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) is another exciting trend. As digital marketers are investing in a huge array of IoT devices for customers, this adoption of digital technologies opens up a realm of opportunities for personalized marketing, real-time customer interaction, and improved targeting.

There is an escalating emphasis on mobile and responsive design in IT product development. Given the rise of mobile usage, responsive design is no longer a choice but a necessity. It allows businesses to maximize the effectiveness of email marketing, social media marketing, and other digital channels, ensuring omnichannel consistency.

In conclusion, IT product development is propelling digital marketing into an era marked by personalization, automation, and immersive experiences. The future of this synergy between product development and digital marketing is full of promise and potential.

Successful Use of IT Product in Digital Marketing: IKEA Case Study

IKEA, a Swedish furniture giant, has been pushing its boundaries in IT product development and its application in digital marketing. One example of this is the development and launch of their innovative Augmented Reality (AR) Catalogue.

IKEA introduced an AR application to go with their printed catalogue. When customers scanned the catalogue with the IKEA Place application on their smartphones, they were introduced to a variety of interactive digital experiences. These included virtually placing furniture items into their space to see how they would fit and look, exploring product features, and accessing additional information.

The application of AR technology in their digital marketing strategy was a groundbreaking move by IKEA. It not only drove engagement and provide value to customers but also created a seamless online-offline brand experience.

Subsequent customer reviews and sales metrics indicated the considerable success of this approach. Notably, the app had more than 2 million downloads within two months of launch, and it increased the sales and perception of IKEA significantly.

IKEA’s catalogue app is a testament to how innovative IT products, deeply integrated with digital marketing, can improve user experiences, influence consumer behaviour, and drive business success in the digital age. The case study is a precursor to how digital transformation is shaping the future of marketing, branding, and overall business operations.


The impact of digital marketing is far-reaching, revolutionizing traditional marketing practices and elevating marketing strategies to new heights. IT product development plays a crucial role in this ongoing digital transformation, providing the necessary infrastructure, tools, and solutions to drive innovation in the digital marketing landscape.

To thrive in the digital age, businesses must invest in digital technologies, stay updated with the latest trends, and continually adapt their marketing strategies. The synergy between IT product development and digital marketing has created an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to connect with their audience, build meaningful relationships, and achieve sustainable growth.

As the best Digital Marketing Company in Pune, Aarna Systems excels in leveraging IT products to drive digital marketing success. With a combination of cutting-edge technology and years of industry expertise, we deliver exceptional results for our clients. Our team utilizes advanced IT products, such as CRM systems, analytics tools, and marketing automation platforms, to enhance targeting, segmentation, and personalization.

Are you looking for a digital marketing agency that stays up-to-date with the latest trends? Connect with us. We harness the power of digital technologies to optimize campaigns, track performance, and drive engagement. With our strategic approach and proficiency in IT product development, we can help your business achieve its digital marketing goals and stay ahead in the competitive online landscape.

Digital Marketing Agency Vs In-House: How to Choose – Aarna Systems

Businesses in the modern digital era cannot afford to undervalue the significance of digital marketing. For businesses of all sizes and industries, having a strong online presence has become essential as more and more people use the internet to research, compare, and buy goods and services.

 Businesses must make a critical choice about their digital marketing strategy: should they create an internal marketing team or collaborate with the best digital marketing agency in India? To assist businesses in making a wise choice regarding how to create a successful digitalmarketing strategy, let’s examine the benefits and drawbacks of each method.

Benefits of an In-House Agency for Advertising

Efficiency of Cost

Cost effectiveness is one of the most important benefits of setting up an internal marketing team. Having a team of marketing specialists focused on their brand can help businesses save a lot of money over time. Businesses can avoid paying agency fees and have more control over their marketing budget by performing their own marketing chores rather than outsourcing them to a third-party agency.

Brand understanding

Internal marketing teams are very knowledgeable about the company’s brand and sector. They can position the brand in a way that appeals to consumers because they have a full understanding of the company’s vision, goal, and values. The ability to match the marketing strategy with the company’s aims and objectives due to being in-house can have a positive impact.

Response Time and Flexibility

Compared to a digital marketing agency, an in-house advertising department may be more responsive and adaptable. They are better equipped to react swiftly to market developments or urgent marketing requirements because they have a deeper awareness of the company’s internal processes and organizational structure. Internal marketing teams are more flexible and can respond to changing circumstances more rapidly, which improves collaboration and communication across the various departments.

Improved Cooperation

To develop unified brand messaging, an in-house advertising firm might work more closely with other departments. In order to comprehend client wants and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly, they might collaborate closely with the sales and customer support teams. This partnership may lead to a more positive perception of the company, more consumer loyalty, and improved conversion rates.

Limitations in the External Perspective of an In-House Advertising Agency

While an internal ad agency has a thorough understanding of the business, it could lack an outside viewpoint. Due to their narrow perspective of the market, they could overlook the most recent marketing trends and best practices, which can lead to unproductive marketing initiatives. Additionally, they could have a propensity to lose their sense of invention and inventiveness when it comes to their marketing strategies.

Resource Constraints

The amount of time, money, and talent that can be allocated to internal marketing teams might be a constraint. They might not have access to the most recent tools and technologies for marketing, or they might not be knowledgeable in some facets of digital marketing. This could lead to ineffective marketing campaigns that do not successfully reach the target

Tools and technology availability

The most recent technologies, analytics, and marketing software are available to digital marketing agencies. They may monitor the efficacy of marketing efforts, optimize them for better performance, and produce more leads and conversions by using advanced data analysis.

Flexibility and Scalability

To adapt to the changing needs of the business, digital marketing services can easily scale up or down their marketing activities. To reach more customers and increase sales, they may easily modify campaigns, manage resources, and improve marketing methods.

Cons of a Digital Marketing Agency


It might be pricey to work with a digital marketing agency. However, firms can cut costs by delegating to the agency only certain marketing responsibilities, which will produce a more affordable solution.

 Communication Issues

It can be difficult to communicate with the agency at times. There may be misunderstandings, which could lead to misaligned marketing goals and methods. To address these issues, businesses should set up clear communication channels and plan routine meetings.

Absence of internal controls

Businesses may not have internal control over the marketing strategy when outsourcing marketing responsibilities to an agency. To properly execute the marketing strategy, they might need to rely on the agency’s experience.

Limited industry experience

Digital marketing agencies work with companies from a variety of industries, therefore they might not have a thorough understanding of the sector the company operates in.

Frequently Asked Questions

 1. How do I determine whether my company requires an internal marketing team or a digital marketing agency?

The choice of whether to establish an internal marketing team or collaborate with a digital marketing agency depends on the requirements, capabilities, and objectives of the company. The company may create an internal team if it has the tools and knowledge to do so. However, collaborating with a digital marketing agency can be a more affordable option if the company is short on the necessary resources.

2. Can I hire an Indian digital marketing agency to do only particular marketing tasks?

 Yes, companies can hire a digital marketing agency to handle particular marketing responsibilities. For instance, if the company lacks skills in SEO or PPC marketing, it can outsource these responsibilities to the agency without having to spend money on costly equipment or personnel.

3. What qualities ought to a digital marketing firm have?

Businesses should look for knowledge, experience, communication skills, and a successful track record when choosing a digital marketing agency. They should also take the agency’s price policy, adaptability, and scalability into account.


In conclusion, there are benefits and drawbacks to both internal advertising agency and external digital marketing agencies. Before determining whether to form an internal marketing team or work with an agency, businesses should carefully assess their needs, objectives, and available resources. The budget and unique needs of the company should be taken into consideration when deciding whether to hire an agency or form an internal team. Businesses may increase lead generation, boost income, and establish a powerful online presence in the current digital era by partnering with Aarna Systems, the top digital marketing firm in Pune. So please feel free to talk about your digital marketing requirements, and our skilled digital marketers will create unique digital strategies for your company. Reach out right away!

The growing importance of rich media ads in digital marketing

Aarna is one the best digital marketing agency in pune

Do you want to boost your advertising goals? Rich Media Ads is the solution for you! It can amplify your CTR to a new level. Offering your customers an immersive advertising experience that keeps them coming back is easy with Rich Media Ads. Check out this blog by Aarna Systems, the best digital marketing company in Pune, to know what is Rich Media Ads and its importance for digital marketing!

8 Amazing SEO Facts Every Digital Marketer Should Know – Aarna Systems

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SEO has been a topic of much debate and conversation over the past few years. We know that SEO is constantly evolving, so it’s important for marketers and businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest algorithm changes. This blog by Aarna Systems, the best SEO company in Pune, India, will also share some in-depth information about how search engines are changing their algorithm in order to make it easier for people to find relevant information on the internet. 
Read More – https://www.aarnasystems.com/blog/8-amazing-seo-facts-every-digital-marketer-should-know/

High quality leads for Healthcare Business – Aarna Systems

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There are many different strategies to generate more leads for the healthcare industry, but you have to be aware that it all starts with the basics. You will have to create your content and promote it properly on social media platforms in order to get more hits. Let’s learn more about lead generation using digital marketing through this blog by Aarna Systems, the best digital marketing company in Pune, India.
Read now – <!–td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}–>

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